Le blog Binissaida

Avantages de la réservation sur notre site

  Meilleur prix garanti Et meilleures conditions sur notre site.

  Annulation gratuite Jusqu'à 7 jours avant l'arrivée.

  Réservation sécurisée Sur notre site web.

  Payez à l'hôtel Sans frais avant votre arrivée.

How to be a Biosphere Reserve

It was October 8, 1993 when Menorca was declared a Biosphere Reserve. At that time, words like sustainability, environmentalism and climate change were not on the agendas of public institutions. However, in the Menorcan DNA, these concepts began to take shape as if it were a germinating seed. Almost 30 years later, Sant Joan de Binissaida proudly wears its little piece of Biosphere Reserve through the official brand.


Hay quien se empeña en decirle “Adiós” al verano justo en el momento en que se asoma septiembre.

We are open!

“After several months of shelved plans (and a rather weird setting-up process), we can finally declare, with a great big smile hidden behind our masks: ‘WE ARE OPEN!’

Everything will be fine!

All up and running, that euphoria and illusion that characterizes the beginning of every season, those first impromptu meals with the whole team, the re-encounter, the new uniforms, the hotel looking beautiful after all the winter work, we get focussed, we take a deep breath and… we open.

Sant Joan de Binissaida: Masters in soul-reaching events

This year has been very special for us thanks to all who have given us the opportunity to be part of events that in one way or another mark your life. That is why, first of all, we wanted to thank the trust, affection, respect and love with which we have had the pleasure of working these months; Without you, the magic of Binissaida would not be the same. Thank you for all those weddings that we have been fortunate to witness, christenings and communions, private parties and corporate events, it has been a real pleasure!

Merry Christmas

Menorca looks greener than ever, its streets are filled with lights and the supermarkets full of nougat and candies. We have stored the beach towel and dusted the coats and scarves. Our chickens lay less eggs and the sheeps prefer stay at the corral instead of walking through the grass. Something tells us that winter is coming… oh! It’s almost Christmas!

Localisation Binissaida
10 minutes du centre de  Maó
15 minutes de l'aéroport
10 minutes du  Port de Maó
10 minutes  marche  de la mer
20 min du terrain de golf Son Parc